I have always wanted to write. No one encouraged me in my school years so I became a nurse. I took my R.N. At the Victoria General Hospital in Halifax, Class of ’68. I worked awhile , then decided to go to Dalhousie University for three more years to get a degree in nursing. I graduated in ’72 with a Baccalaureate in Nursing and a set of bagpipes and was set free on the unsuspecting public as a Public Health Nurse. I worked at that for awhile, got bored and went to work with the babies, then the elderly. I was a nursing supervisor, and sometimes an in-service coordinator and staffing nurse and staff health. Always a little of this and a little of that and never very gripped by the work. Don’t get me wrong, I liked my patients except for one or two who were truly nasty. I injured my back trying to transfer a difficult patient who wouldn’t do as she was told on a transfer. So in about ’87 I decided I’d had enough. Fortunately my husband agreed so I stopped working after nearly twenty-five years, counting training.